How to write a thesis for beginners
The basics of writing a thesis statement or introduction sentence. Check out the tutorial for works cited page help.
The basics of writing a thesis statement or introduction sentence. Check out the tutorial for works cited page help.
Published: 22-04-2013
Duration: 3:44
Definition: sd
View: 879845
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Duration: 3:44
Definition: sd
View: 879845
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How To Write A Killer Thesis Statement by Shmoop
How are serial killers and great thesis statements have similar? They both have strength, clarity of purpose, specific targets, and an interesting story. Thankfully for your teacher the resemblance...
How are serial killers and great thesis statements have similar? They both have strength, clarity of purpose, specific targets, and an interesting story. Thankfully for your teacher the resemblance...
Published: 06-09-2013
Duration: 5:5
Definition: hd
View: 344843
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Comment: 96
Duration: 5:5
Definition: hd
View: 344843
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Comment: 96
Trik Membuat Judul yang Menarik - Phinemo Class #7
Selain isi dan visual yang harus menarik, judul dalam artikel juga gak boleh kalah menarik! Bikin judul itu ibarat bikin pancingan yang bakal menarik banyak pembaca untuk buka tulisan Kamu....
Selain isi dan visual yang harus menarik, judul dalam artikel juga gak boleh kalah menarik! Bikin judul itu ibarat bikin pancingan yang bakal menarik banyak pembaca untuk buka tulisan Kamu....
Published: 24-02-2017
Duration: 3:34
Definition: hd
View: 4826
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Duration: 3:34
Definition: hd
View: 4826
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Comment: 0
5 Tips For Writing College Essays
Check out the ESSAY PLANNER! SIGN UP HERE for my FREE study skills sessions: Let's...
Check out the ESSAY PLANNER! SIGN UP HERE for my FREE study skills sessions: Let's...
Published: 17-10-2015
Duration: 7:33
Definition: hd
View: 203619
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Comment: 380
Duration: 7:33
Definition: hd
View: 203619
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Comment: 380
Kesalahan Umum Dalam Menulis Tesis dan Disertasi
Silahkan download versi powerpoint dari video di atas
Silahkan download versi powerpoint dari video di atas
Published: 13-06-2016
Duration: 1:11
Definition: hd
View: 270
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Duration: 1:11
Definition: hd
View: 270
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Comment: 0
Penulisan Tesis Menggunakan Template
Untuk mempercepat penulisan naskah, lebih baik kita menggunakan template yang sudah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Dalam video tutorial ini, saya membahas bagaimana caranya menggunakan template...
Untuk mempercepat penulisan naskah, lebih baik kita menggunakan template yang sudah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Dalam video tutorial ini, saya membahas bagaimana caranya menggunakan template...
Published: 03-08-2011
Duration: 8:5
Definition: hd
View: 1419
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Comment: 5
Duration: 8:5
Definition: hd
View: 1419
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Comment: 5
Bagaimana cara menulis paper. By. Hario Sasongko
Jadi ngerekam pelajaran di kelas.. tapi sepotong sepotong.. jadi ya gitu... .-.
Jadi ngerekam pelajaran di kelas.. tapi sepotong sepotong.. jadi ya gitu... .-.
Published: 28-03-2016
Duration: 36:31
Definition: hd
View: 1311
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Comment: 1
Duration: 36:31
Definition: hd
View: 1311
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Comment: 1
5 Tips Membuat Slide Presentasi Yang Baik Dan Menarik (Video Seri Tips Presentasi) Video ini menjelaskan 5 tips sederhana untuk menjadikan slide presentasi Anda lebih baik dan menarik. Anda bisa mendownload video ini dalam format HD secara gratis... Video ini menjelaskan 5 tips sederhana untuk menjadikan slide presentasi Anda lebih baik dan menarik. Anda bisa mendownload video ini dalam format HD secara gratis...
Published: 12-01-2013
Duration: 9:26
Definition: hd
View: 564092
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Comment: 159
Duration: 9:26
Definition: hd
View: 564092
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Comment: 159
Pemindahan Tesis ke dalam Fail Tulis Bab
Kaedah Memindahkan Tesis/Proposal Ke dalam Template AF-Thesis.
Kaedah Memindahkan Tesis/Proposal Ke dalam Template AF-Thesis.
Published: 25-04-2016
Duration: 15:2
Definition: hd
View: 727
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Comment: 2
Duration: 15:2
Definition: hd
View: 727
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Comment: 2
tata cara membuat essay
Click link:
Click link:
Published: 20-11-2016
Duration: 1:17
Definition: sd
View: 142
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Comment: 0
Duration: 1:17
Definition: sd
View: 142
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
How to Outline Your Essay & Strong Thesis Statement
When teachers assign an essay, they have an outline in mind of what they want to the essay to be. If you match the teacher's outline, you will do well. The secret is the essay prompt. The essay...
When teachers assign an essay, they have an outline in mind of what they want to the essay to be. If you match the teacher's outline, you will do well. The secret is the essay prompt. The essay...
Published: 02-12-2017
Duration: 6:56
Definition: hd
View: 465
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Comment: 0
Duration: 6:56
Definition: hd
View: 465
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Comment: 0
Tips On Simple Essay -Amy-
Final assignment for subject Instructional Communication Technologies semester 7 (last semester) of Diploma Communication and Media Unisel Shah Alam ...
Final assignment for subject Instructional Communication Technologies semester 7 (last semester) of Diploma Communication and Media Unisel Shah Alam ...
Published: 14-07-2015
Duration: 4:56
Definition: hd
View: 43
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Comment: 0
Duration: 4:56
Definition: hd
View: 43
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Comment: 0
How to Prepare Academic Essay Writing and Presentation
Presentasi ini saya buat ketika saya menjadi narasumber workshop Academic Essay Writing and Presentation di Bandung, 28 Februari 2016 dalam acara MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Provinsi Jawa Barat....
Presentasi ini saya buat ketika saya menjadi narasumber workshop Academic Essay Writing and Presentation di Bandung, 28 Februari 2016 dalam acara MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Provinsi Jawa Barat....
Published: 04-04-2016
Duration: 5:1
Definition: hd
View: 1247
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Comment: 0
Duration: 5:1
Definition: hd
View: 1247
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Comment: 0
Summary Writing | Learn How to Write Summary
This animation teaches the learner to define a summary, list the steps for creating a summary and create a sample summary based on the learning. This is a product of Mexus Education Pvt....
This animation teaches the learner to define a summary, list the steps for creating a summary and create a sample summary based on the learning. This is a product of Mexus Education Pvt....
Published: 26-06-2012
Duration: 10:49
Definition: hd
View: 479199
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Comment: 77
Duration: 10:49
Definition: hd
View: 479199
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Comment: 77
7 Langkah Menulis Karya Ilmiah Populer
Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop...
Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop...
Published: 25-09-2016
Duration: 1:47
Definition: sd
View: 7339
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Comment: 0
Duration: 1:47
Definition: sd
View: 7339
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Comment: 0
Published: 15-08-2017
Duration: 8:35
Definition: sd
View: 4269
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Comment: 2
Duration: 8:35
Definition: sd
View: 4269
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Comment: 2
APA Style 6th Ed.: Title Page and Running Head - NEW VERSION IN DESCRIPTION
NEW VERSION HERE: This video will show you how to set up your paper following correct APA Style guidelines in Microsoft Word 2010 for PC. This specific...
NEW VERSION HERE: This video will show you how to set up your paper following correct APA Style guidelines in Microsoft Word 2010 for PC. This specific...
Published: 08-05-2013
Duration: 9:20
Definition: hd
View: 1570364
Like: 4916
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Comment: 647
Duration: 9:20
Definition: hd
View: 1570364
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Comment: 647
Video Tutorial Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas SPSS Lengkap
Panduan melakukan Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas dengan Program SPSS Lengkap Jelas. *Tonton edisi UPDATE, lebih jelas dan detail! *Uji Validitas:
Panduan melakukan Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas dengan Program SPSS Lengkap Jelas. *Tonton edisi UPDATE, lebih jelas dan detail! *Uji Validitas:
Published: 07-03-2014
Duration: 13:12
Definition: sd
View: 314235
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Comment: 582
Duration: 13:12
Definition: sd
View: 314235
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Comment: 582
3 Simple Steps To Get Your Literature Review Done!
Watch this video created by NUS Libraries to learn how to complete literature review in 3 simple steps. Discover lots of information, evaluate them and cite the information you use.
Watch this video created by NUS Libraries to learn how to complete literature review in 3 simple steps. Discover lots of information, evaluate them and cite the information you use.
Published: 08-08-2016
Duration: 2:2
Definition: sd
View: 18280
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Comment: 0
Duration: 2:2
Definition: sd
View: 18280
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Comment: 0
TIPS BLOG | Menyusun Kerangka Tulisan
Kerangka dalam sebuah tulisan sangat penting. Dengan membuat kerangka yang baik, tulisan akan lebih fokus, terarah dan kita juga lebih mudah untuk menyusunnya. Selain membuat kerangka, salah...
Kerangka dalam sebuah tulisan sangat penting. Dengan membuat kerangka yang baik, tulisan akan lebih fokus, terarah dan kita juga lebih mudah untuk menyusunnya. Selain membuat kerangka, salah...
Published: 01-07-2016
Duration: 9:27
Definition: hd
View: 4495
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Comment: 8
Duration: 9:27
Definition: hd
View: 4495
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Comment: 8
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